Shetek Women In Technology

The Outlet 16: Intro to QA Testing & Test Automation Careers

September 15, 2021 from 12 - 1 PM EDT


The Outlet 16: Intro to QA Testing & Test Automation Careers

Jumpstart your career in Quality Assurance Testing and Test Automation!

Discover how the QA field is evolving with automated testing, what new roles are most in demand, and what skills and tools you should learn to get started.

Join Heather Reilly, Director of Integrated Quality Systems and Platform Lead of Quality Analytics at Janssen, Inc. as she shares what QA is, how she got into the field of QA testing, and even as she breaks some of the myths tech companies may have about Quality Assurance.

Your free ticket gets you the opportunity to ask Heather questions about QA, her career, or how to achieve your dreams in tech!

Our free webinar is September 15 from 12 - 1 PM EDT. Click “Register” to go to the SheTek Community and unlock your free ticket!
