SheTek The Outlet 25 - Human Intelligence The Essential Catalyst for Advancing AI
SheTek Presents The Outlet 22: Diversity in Technology
The Outlet 19: When Your Why is Bigger Than Your How
The Outlet 16: Intro to QA Testing & Test Automation Careers Featuring Heather Reilly
The Outlet 12: Growing Your Data Science Career Ft. Stacey Stewart
Looking Forward to 2021 With Positivity: A Virtual Goal-Setting Workshop
The Art of Effective Negotiation & Getting What You Want in Your Career Ft. Maria Ramirez
Artificial Intelligence and the Value of Continued Learning Ft. Dr. Chitra Dorai
Mentorship, Role Models, and the Power of Community Ft. Michele Siekerka
SheTek Presents The Outlet 24 Reset, Destress, and Find Balance
SheTek Presents The Outlet 21: Get to Know ServiceNow.
The Outlet 18: Innovating Your Tech Career
The Outlet 15: Gain Financial Independence with Tech Career Success Featuring Dr. Roberta Hoskie
The Outlet 11: Transforming Men Into Allies in the Workplace
Bridging the Gap Between Education and Employment at The Outlet Episode 9 Featuring Dean Monica Adya
Bold, Not Bossy - How to Be an Assertive Woman Leader Ft. Pattie Grimm
Increasing Diversity and Inclusion Through Your Career Ft. Kristen Malek
SheTek Presents The Outlet 23: Empowering Your Career with Personal Branding
SheTek Presents The Outlet 20: Step Into Tech as an IT Recruiter
The Outlet 17: Accelerate Your Tech Career with Micro-Credentials Featuring Dr. Terry Voldase
The Outlet 14: Becoming a Confident Leader Featuring Pam Sammarco
The Outlet 10: Breaking Into Tech Leadership Featuring Dr. Connie Watson
Overcoming Adversity & Taking Advantage of Unexpected Opportunities Ft. Carol Gabel
Pivoting Successfully Over the Course of a Tech Career Ft. Sheri Horwitz
Improve Decision-Making Skills and Flexibility Strategies for Professionals Ft. Brenda Ross-Dulan