Shetek Women In Technology

Technology is a dynamic industry, with thousands of new jobs created daily through new evolution and innovation. While tech progresses, the number of women working in tech has increased but remains far from equitable. Research has proven that the most successful organizations pursue gender diversity among employees. However, many women can feel intimidated or unprepared to launch their new careers in the tech world. Stop feelings of insecurity or imposter syndrome in their tracks by using our SheTek-recommended strategies throughout your tech career.


Many successful women in tech, from Melinda Gates to SheTek Founder Chaya Pamula, have attributed a large portion of their success to advice received by their mentors. Additionally, studies show that a strong support system is one of the biggest differentiators if a woman remains in tech throughout her career. One way to start building that support system for yourself is by finding the right mentor.

The SheTek Tech Mentorship Program features experienced mentors already working in tech who will guide you through career choices, help you identify opportunities for growth and development, and support you as you grow. SheTek Tech Mentors work with you during our program, providing you with valuable insights and career-accelerating, actionable advice.

Learn more about the SheTek Tech Mentorship Program


Take advantage of all resources available to you. Accept invitations to seminars, workshops, training, and other events specific to your role in tech. There are more virtual events than ever before, making learning from an expert’s experience and practical examples more accessible than ever before. By joining events, you gain an opportunity to network, where you can meet others in your field and open new doors in your tech career.

SheTek Community members can access the SheTek Resources Library where we are ready to inform your tech career path. Watch the past episodes of The Outlet, our monthly webinar series, to get advice on effective negotiation strategies, tech leadership, tech job interview tips, and more. Explore our Department of Labor Statistics data on the most in-demand tech occupations. Get introduced to new tech skills at our Training on Demand, where you can learn from tech experts at any time that’s convenient for you.

Access the SheTek Resources Library (SheTek Community members only)

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It can be overwhelming starting a new career in tech, but with SheTek by your side, you won’t stumble on your road to success. Our supportive SheTek Community can help you find what motivates you, then show you your path to success. If you are looking for new opportunities to learn, grow your tech career, or inspire others, join the SheTek Community, and explore everything available to you.
